Changing Times

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.
~Benjamin Franklin

There have been volumes written on organizational change. Effective change energizes an organization and creates conditions where people can do their best work.  During my first weeks at the helm in Pleasantdale, I have had the honor of speaking with parents, Board members, and staff about the wonderful things happening and ways that we can improve.  Likewise, these groups have worked together to outline a plan of action to make these improvements possible.

While change is always a complex process, there are three main components to creating sustainable and positive change.  Change agents first need to have a clear understanding of the past.  This includes previous change campaigns and the outcome of these campaigns.  I have had the opportunity to speak with parents, students, and staff about where the district has been and where it needs to go.

Once you understand the past, groups need to set out a vision for the future.  How does a particular version of the future improve teachers’ and students’ lives?  What will the organization look like once the vision has been implemented? Group members need to feel connected to the new future and fully understand how they play a part in the plan.  Our vision in Pleasantdale includes new and exciting ways to use technology.  Additionally, we want kids to have amazing experiences at school.  Our vision ensures that kids love learning and teachers love teaching.

Finally, successful change requires a clear and thoughtful plan of attack.  This plan needs to outline action steps and include deliverables, as well as ways that we will measure our success.  The plan needs to be inclusive and allow all members to contribute to the success of the organization.  In Pleasantdale, we are rolling out a set of district goals that will move our school district from good to great.

These are exciting times in Pleasantdale, and I am honored to play a role in changes that will have a positive impact on kids, families, and teachers.  Over the course of the year, I will continue to report our success and celebrate our schools.  You can track our progress by liking us on Facebook, following me on Twitter (@dpalzet), and checking your inbox for regular emails.

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4 comments on “Changing Times
  1. Daphna Stepen says:

    All the best to you on your new venture! What a thoughtful, reflective approach you bring.

  2. Kim barker says:

    Thank you for the vision and for the improvements you have already put in place! Pleasantdale is already a better place! Keep up the great work!!!

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